The dementia nursing home patients being turned away from our overstressed public hospitals like the Royal Melbourne are NOT dying patients.
Why is it then that they are subject to sedation and even worse – “end of life” care?” said Margaret Tighe of Right to Life Australia.
She went on “One relative even expressed concern at the administration of morphine for her family member who was not in pain.”
“Surely” she said “we are not going to emulate the inhuman practice employed by the Nazi regime before the second world war of collecting dementia and mentally ill patients from their families as was revealed in a recent film ‘Never Look Away’ and in the book ‘The Murderers Among Us’ by Simon Wiesenthal.
Mrs Tighe said “These unfortunate patients were eventually exterminated. This was before the Nazis began attacking the Jewish people.”
For comment: Margaret Tighe 0417 338 961