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TASMANIANS - Contact your MPs here - Stop Gaffney Patient Killing Bill!

TASMANIANS - Act Now to stop Patient Killing!

  • Tasmanian MP Mike Gaffney (IND) MLC introduced his euthanasia bill [End Of Life Choices (Voluntary Assisted Dying) Bill 2020] into the Legislative Council on 27/8/20.  The bill will be debated on 15 September 2020.
  • The bill, if passed, will be a passport to suicide.
  • Unlike in Victoria and WA which now allow euthanasia for the terminally ill, this bill extends eligibility to a much wider group in the community.
  • It will be applied to a whole range of incurable medical conditions:
    • e.g. diabetes,
    • heart disease,
    • arthritis and
    • injuries caused by accidents e.g. paraplegia, quadriplegia - valiant people we admire at the Paralympic Games.
  • Legalised euthanasia was passed in the Victorian Parliament in 2017 and in Western Australia in 2019. Already, in Victoria we have statistics available for the number of people who have been killed by assisted suicide or by lethal injection from the doctor.
  • The first year’s statistics are alarming! More than 50 people ended their lives under the scheme between June and December 2019. It is ironic that the government is otherwise working hard to lower suicide rates in the community.
  • Already, barely a year after passing the bill, Victorian news outlets e.g. “The Age” are canvassing to allow more people to be eligible for euthanasia.

The following will be permitted under the Tasmanian bill:

  • A person does not have to be terminally ill to be eligible.
  • Death does not need to be imminent.
  • A person needs to reside in Tasmania for only 12 months to be eligible.
  • The approval to die process can be as short as four days!
  • No need for a doctor who specialises in the patient’s condition to sign off on the approval.
  • Doctors are able to initiate a conversation about euthanasia with patients.


“We must care for people not kill them!”

Please contact your 6 MPs: [Legislative Council (1 to contact) & House of Assembly (5 to contact)]

    • Write a short hand-written letter to your MPs or
    • Visit in person – make an appointment or “drop in” to your MPs’ offices or
    • Phone MPs’ offices. If unavailable, ask for your message to be written down or
    • Email your MPs (last option). NB Letters and visits preferred.

Legislative Council

There are 15 divisions –
[Derwent, Elwick, Hobart, Huon, Launceston, McIntyre, Mersey, Montgomery, Murchison, Nelson, Pembroke, Prosser, Rosevears, Rumney, Windermere].

You have 1 MP to contact

FIRST- click to Check the name of your electoral division
Click to find the name of your Legislative Council member
Or phone: (03) 6212 2300

House of Assembly

There are 5 divisions (Bass, Braddon, Clark, Franklin & Lyons). Each division has 5 MPs.
You have 5 MPs to contact. 
Check the name of your division
Click to find your 5 House of Assembly members
Or phone: (03) 6212 2200

Tell your MPs “We must care for people not kill them!”

For letterwriting: Check the facts here

For more information: Margaret Tighe 0417 338 961