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Queensland Premier stands condemned on assisted suicide

The Queensland government is introducing a  euthanasia bill into the Parliament at end of May 2021.

Mrs Tighe, President of Right to Life Australia, said, "Ms Palaszczuk's latest embracing of the 'better off dead' principle which has followed the 2018 passage of an abortion till birth bill clearly illustrates her contempt for the value of every human life."

"It is obvious," continued Mrs Tighe, "this latest attack on human life is yet another example of how Labor in Australia has become a party of social engineering as we have seen in Victoria and Western Australia with the passage of their euthanasia bills."

During the recent election campaign, the Queensland Premier even promised to fast track debate of the euthanasia bill. Clearly the Queensland Labor Government believes assisted suicide is electorally popular. Read more on this issue, including pre election comments by Brisbane's Catholic Archbishop Mark Coleridge, here (only available to The Australian online subscribers).

If you live in Queensland, we urge you to contact your member of the Legislative Assembly (lower house) in the state Parliament and express your opposition to any form of euthanasia/assisted suicide.