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The Irish Parliament’s Oireachtas Committee on Justice in considering Mr Gino Kenny TD’s ‘Dying with Dignity’ Bill 2020’ confirmed in July 2021 they will not progress the bill to a final vote at this time.


Despite the torturous crisis situation with NSW in lockdown MP Alex Greenwich has seized the opportunity to further his agenda on euthanasia.  The so called ‘consultation’ draft of his bill is a further step down the dangerous path of assisted suicide for Australians.  

It’s an absurd time for Greenwich to seek ‘consultation’ on a bill designed specifically to end the lives of elderly and vulnerable people.  Greenwich is out of touch with the people.  How can he adequately consult with the community in the middle of strict lockdown?  And his bill has been rushed as shown by s26(3), (ii) B which seems to remove the requirement for applicant’s illness to be terminal under this section.

Why doesn’t he wait until Parliament returns and introduce the bill through proper Parliamentary processes?   It is clear the reason why is that he is not serious about consulting with the community. 

Canada's Slippery Slope coming to a state near you

The Second Annual Report on Medical Assistance in Dying released by the Canadian government is alarming.

4,120 Canadians euthanised because they had cancer but with no discussion with an oncologist about this course of action;

2,650 people who perceived they were a burden on their family, friends or caregivers;

1,373 people who requested that their lives be ended because they felt isolated and lonely;

1,253 with non-terminal conditions

227 people who were put to death because they were frail;

322 people who needed disability support services but did not receive them;

126 people who needed, but could not access, palliative care were given access to the lethal jab;

59 people who the practitioner assessed as requesting a lethal injection "voluntarily" determined the alleged voluntariness without directly consulting with the person.

This mirrors the situation in Holland where euthanasia was legalised over 20 year ago! Figures released by the Dutch government in 2015 showed 431 people were euthanised without their consent.  Source: Statistics Netherlands, Den Haag/Heerlen Deaths my medical end-of-life decision; age, cause of death, 24 May 2017.  However many so-called ‘safeguards’ are added to any euthanasia bill the international evidence is compelling - euthanasia can never be made safe.

The argument that euthanasia is ‘just for the terminally ill in pain’ is a furphy.  As shown in Canada euthanasia is used as a panacea for a myriad of medical and societal issues such as isolation, loneliness, feeling like a burden or simply just being frail.  Who will be next?

Stop euthanasia now.  Remember - the life you save may be your own.

Mary Collier
The Right to Life Australia Inc.
(03) 9385 0100

Euthanasia "South Australian style"

 The passage of the euthanasia bill (named Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2020) in June 2021 through the South Australian Parliament’s House of Assembly is no cause for rejoicing.  Over 850 medical doctors signed a full page statement opposing euthanasia published in The Advertiser last weekend.  In addition Lutheran, Islamic, Catholic and Greek Orthodox leaders wrote a joint statement opposing the bill.

Overseas medical experts who live in euthanasia regimes -such as Professor Theo Boer – a former regulator of euthanasia in Holland for 15 years say  “Don’t do it - it’s too dangerous”. 

Yet the false narrative about euthanasia continues to be pedalled by Australia’s media personalities and those with individual stories about death.

South Australian MPs should not be proud of the so-called ‘South Australian flavour’ added to the bill.   Euthanasia is Euthanasia no matter how it is legislated.

We can only hope there IS indeed an oasis for patients who are scared to be admitted to hospitals where euthanasia is performed.

 Euthanasia is not health care.  It is the deliberate taking of a human life by state sanctioned killing.

We urge all Australians to read the websites of Health Professionals Say No and the website of Australian Care Alliance to understand the gravity of the euthanasia bill which has been passed.

When the false narrative about euthanasia continues to be pedalled in Parliaments around the country it is uplifting to see new hope for patients with dementia has been announced in the US*.  We must reject the spectre of euthanasia and continue developing life-giving treatments.

