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Oppose Fly in, Fly out Death Regime

It's a 'death regime' say Queensland bishop opposed to government plan to fly in doctors to help terminally ill patients end their lives.

TOWNSVILLE Bishop Tim Harris is a leading voice demanding the Queensland Government rescind a decision to fund doctors flying to regional parts of the state to help terminally ill patients end their lives.

"Let's call it for what it is - it is a death regime and an assault on a civilised society," Bishop Tim Harris said.

"I mean flying in death squads to assist in the killing of terminally ill people and then flying them out.

"To me it is an abomination because people need care, they need continuity of care."

Queensland taxpayers will fund the FLY IN FLY OUT (FIFO) doctor service to circumvent a federal law that prohibits "inciting or counselling" suicide over the phone or internet when the state's Voluntary Assisted Dying scheme begins on January 1.

Current law prohibits doctors from discussing euthanasia via telehealth, and the federal government has not yet made legislative amendments to exempt doctors, even though federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus is reported to be investigating changes to the Criminal Code.

"So the Queensland government has decided to send FIFO medicos into regional areas to euthanise people but not a dollar for better palliative care… airfares and death are cheaper, I guess," Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge tweeted.

We extend our thanks to Bishop Harris who has always stands up and makes his views clearly known to media and opponents to the dignity of human life.


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