Every GP and Nurse Practitioner will be able to prescribe abortion pills
In a stealth move, the Therapeutic Goods Administration approved an application from “Marie Stopes Health” to amend restrictions on the medical abortion pill MS-2 Step, which can be taken up to nine weeks from conception. Approval of the application was supported by the Advisory Committee on Medicine. The move - which will result in a massive increase in access to RU486 and the ending of more human life - was announced by the Albanese government by Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care, Ged Kearney.
As part of the change, every GP and nurse practitioner in Australia will be allowed to prescribe the pill – expanding access for women in regional areas. Pharmacists will no longer need a “special certification” to dispense it. The changes will take effect from 1 August 2023.
Previously, regulations meant that only medical practitioners could prescribe and only if they were registered and had conducted additional training.
As reported in The Australian 17/7/23 Anthony Albanese’s expansion of abortion pill access puts women at risk of complications, or even death - the National Association of Specialist Obstetricians and Gynaecologists president Gino Pecoraro says. Dr Pecoraro said he had been called in to help save the life of a 40-year-old woman earlier this year who was flown in from regional NSW after being prescribed the abortion pill and experiencing significant side effects and bleeding. “She nearly died,” he said.
The tragic outcome is that more unborn babies face certain death from these attacks on human life.
Write, email or phone the Prime Minister about the expansion of abortion pill access in Australia. This is a blatant attack on human life. Allowing women to self-administer these life- threatening drugs ends the life of a vulnerable unborn baby and endangers the life of pregnant women.