A private member's bill was introduced into Federal parliament on 12 February 2024 by Ms Katherine Chaney MP and seconded by: Dr Monique Ryan MP (both Independents). The bill is called the [Criminal Code Amendment (Telecommunications Offences for Suicide Related Material - Exception for Lawful Voluntary Assisted Dying) Bill 2024]. The bill aims to circumvent the present ban on using telehealth by amending the Federal Criminal Code Act 1995.
Ms Katherine Chaney MP |
Dr Monique Ryan MP |
A short personal letter, in your own words, is necessary. The next possible date for debate is 1/7/2024.
1. Write to |
Hon Anthony Albanese MP
Prime Minister of Australia
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
2. Write to |
Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP
Federal Attorney-General
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Please send a copy of your letter to your federal MP.
Dear Prime Minister/Mr Dreyfus If access to assistance to suicide and euthanasia is allowed via a telephone call or a video consultation the safeguards in place to protect patients will be easily circumvented leading even to wrongful deaths. Safeguards are there for every person, and not related to postcode. All Australians in cities as well as remote areas need to be protected. Please oppose Ms Chaney MP’s bill and continue the existing ban on assistance to suicide and euthanasia using telehealth consultation. Yours faithfully, Name, address, state |
Dear Prime Minister/Mr Dreyfus I wish to oppose Ms Kate Chaney and Dr Monique Ryans bill to allow telemedicine for assisted suicide and euthanasia consultations. Telehealth Consultations were used during COVID replacing face to face medical care. However, there are significant disadvantages to such telehealth consultations. Many patients using telehealth consultations may not know the treating doctor. Likewise, the doctor may not know the patient. Telehealth consultations for assessment and approval for assistance to suicide and euthanasia would be in a special class of their own involving life ending decisions. Please oppose the removal of the existing ban of telehealth consultations. Yours sincerely Name, address, state |
Dear Prime Minister/Mr Dreyfus I oppose Ms Chaney MPs bill to allow access to assistance to suicide and euthanasia by telehealth. Íf passed, a virtual visit suffices in finding a doctor who will prescribe lethal drugs It no longer depends on having a personal relationship with a doctor. Nothing prevents depressed or suicidal patients from doctor shopping to find someone willing to prescribe them death rather than the mental health care and suicide prevention they need." This is a dangerous move which could result in potential abuse and fraudulent use of prescribed medicines. Yours faithfully, Name, address, state |
Dear Prime Minister/Mr Dreyfus I oppose Ms Chaney MPs bill to allow access to assistance to suicide and euthanasia by telehealth. This is a life and death issue. Already in Victoria a medical Dr Carr was found guilty last year and fined $12,000 when he failed to obtain signatures while approving a patient's application for assistance to suicide. It is not hard to imagine the problems when digital signatures are used! Please oppose the bill and continue to protect patients who need good medical care and not a fast track to giving up. Yours faithfully, Name, address, state |
Dear Prime Minister/Mr Dreyfus We know older people are being coerced into giving up inheritances early and for financial gain by relatives. They often talk about being a burden to their family. A medical practitioner providing assisted suicide information to a person by telehealth cannot possibly know what is going on in the background. We need to pass legislation to strengthen protection for our elderly, not reduce safeguards. Yours faithfully, Name, address, state |