The latest of Graham Preston, Australia's Leading Prolifer
Dear Friends, Just a brief note to let you know the outcome of the post-Christmas vigil. As expected, it was not long into the first morning before the police arrived – three cars with six police! A senior constable who had been involved with Anne's arrest at last year's vigil did all the talking.

National March for Life in Wellington New Zealand Dec 2019
Right to Life NZ commends the 2,400 men, women and children who peacefully and joyfully marched to Parliament in Wellington yesterday, Saturday 7th December 2019, to express their support for a culture of life with love for mothers and their precious unborn.

Respect life to the very end: Bishop Harris
Cath News – a Service of the Australian Catholic Bishops conference. Townsville Bishop Tim Harris advocated strongly against euthanasia in his weekend homily, saying it was important to have a conversation on the "grim" topic. Source: Townsville Bulletin.

Western Australia Crosses the Threshold
Allowing Doctors to Kill Patients - Or Help Patients To Kill Themselves. Last December 2019 the Western Australian (WA) parliament voted for a euthanasia bill which legalises state sanctioned extra judicial executions with doctors as the executioners.

The 2019 Year in Review - Pregnancy Counselling Australia
Volunteer counsellors at PCA continue to devote themselves to the women and men of Australia who are facing an unplanned pregnancy or are suffering following an abortion.
There are so many voices in the community that suggest abortion is the best and easiest option for an unplanned pregnancy.
It is vital our service continues to offer a safe place where women and men are encouraged to make a fully informed decision.

South Australian Prolifers at the Coalface
Alan Tyson - 40 days for Life South Australia
In December 2018 Greens MLC Ms Tammy Franks (Upper House) introduced an Abortion Law Reform Bill to decriminalise abortion and provide the most unregulated abortion regime in the country. It provides for unrestricted and de-regulated availability of abortion up to full term, allows abortions to be carried out by other than doctors or without referral to any doctor, allows babies born alive to die without medical support and introduces 150 m Exclusion Zones around any hospital, abortion facility or any other premises declared by the Minister.

'Aboriginal people do not need a new avenue to death'
Western Australia is considering a piece of legislation that may be the most consequential set of laws passed by its 40th parliament: a bill that radically changes our understanding of life, death and suffering; a bill that legalises an individual choice to die, or voluntary assisted suicide.
I have serious concerns about this bill and believe if passed into law it will be the source of confusion and potentially contain unintended consequences. Because of communication and medical protocols that are not clear, and concerns over the principle “free prior and informed consent”, Aboriginal people will yet again be at the mercy of the professionals who are authorised to prescribe and administer the lethal drugs if you indicate a willingness to end your misery in this life.

Hon Nick Goiran MLC - A Great Stalwart For Life!
The Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2019 is currently being debated in the Legislative Council in the Parliament of Western Australia. We are immensely proud of the work of Hon. Nicolas (Nick) Goiran MLC – Member of the Legislative Council, Parliament of Western Australia. Nick has spearheaded the opposition to the Bill.
The debate has passed the 2nd reading (see vote below) and is now in the Committee stage, where every clause – over 180 of them – is being examined before the final vote. It is expected the final vote will occur before the end of the year. Nick has proposed over 350 amendments - to expose the flaws and enable Members to see through this dangerous bill. We continue to work to oppose the bill and encourage those of you living in WA to contact your MLCs.

Up to 10,000 people rallied to stop abortion bill in New South Wales
Written by Jane Landon. Jane is a supporter of Right to Life Australia who was very active during our Federal Election campaign in Bennelong Electorate. Picture by Aleshia Fewster.
Pro-life protestors gathered for a vigil at Martin Place, Sydney on Tues 20 August 2019 at 6pm. The rally was to oppose the abortion bill being debated in Parliament House. It was fantastic to see so many people gathering for such an event. Estimate of crowd in attendance was up to 10,000 people, potentially the biggest turnout ever for a pro-life rally in Sydney.

Justice Clarence Thomas rips Planned Parenthood, abortion movement as racist
WASHINGTON, D.C., May 28, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – With the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision Tuesday morning to save one part of Indiana’s 2016 abortion law while letting another be struck down, Justice Clarence Thomas took the opportunity to explain how the law highlights abortion-on-demand’s deep ties to the American eugenics movement, which he said the nation’s highest court has a duty to eventually confront.
- WA Euthanasia Recommendations even "more extreme" than Victoria's
- More terminally ill Victorians meet euthanasia criteria to end their lives
- Why Has New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Betrayed the Disability Sector?
- 40 Babies Born Alive Following Failed Abortions Over Three Years
- Our Counsellors Continue To Stand In The Gap
- Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill 2019
- Dr Gillespie urges Nationals colleagues to consider state abortion bill carefully
- Federal MPs and the Abortion Debate in NSW
- The NSW Abortion Debate 2019
- Palliative care work will endure
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