- Contact your MP's asking them to vote against the WA government's euthanasia bill soon to be introduced into the WA parliament in August. (see enclosed list of Parliamentarians)
- This follows the passage of similar legislation in the Victorian parliament.
- Patients in WA will be able to have their lives ended if medical opinion is that they will die in less than 12 months from a terminal illness.
- The WA bill will even allow a nurse practitioner to give the green light to euthanasia as a second opinion.
Palliative care work will endure
We won’t let the introduction of voluntary assisted dying overshadow our ongoing commitment to the sick. By Natasha Michael ,The Age 23/05/19
What matters most? Over the past week, Australians have contemplated this very question as they pondered their future and cast their votes at the federal election. Palliative Care Week calls for Australians to consider once again: what matters most?
How Jesse’s Life Was Saved
I was 20 weeks pregnant as I walked into a women’s imaging centre with my husband and one-year-old daughter. We were excited to find out if we were having a little boy or girl. What we did find out caused my world to shatter.
Voluntary euthanasia is a threshold moment for Australia, and one we should not cross
“There is probably no more important issue in contemporary bioethics or a more serious ethical decision for our parliaments than that raised by the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2017 being debated this week in the Victorian Parliament. Under this bill, conditions and safeguards are outlined that will allow physicians to terminate the life of patients and to assist patients to take their own life. This is a threshold moment for the country. No matter what justifications are offered for the bill, it constitutes an unacceptable departure in our approach to human existence and the irrevocable sanctity that should govern our understanding of what it means to be human.
The Alfred Pharmacy - Now Dealing in Death - How Sad!
Margaret Tighe, Letter to Chief Pharmacist, Alfred Health, Melbourne, May 2019
Dear Sir, I write as one who worked as a pharmacist at the Alfred hospital for several years after my return from working in the UK in late 1956. I cannot recall the exact date of my employment there beginning at some time in 1957 until the beginning of 1961.
News from the United States – Good and Bad
The abortion issue has been front page news in the US of late.
The Good News has been from the following states – Ohio, Mississippi Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana – where a variety of laws curtailing abortion under certain circumstances – and at certain stages – have been enacted. Well done to the pro-lifers in those states!
Architects of Victoria's right-to-die law publish 'manual' on how to push legislation through
A Ministerial Advisory Panel reviews its success - Article by Michael Cook reproduced from Mercatornet.com Dec 4 2018 https://bit.ly/2GbhGFu
One year ago, in December 2017, the Australian state of Victoria legalised euthanasia and assisted suicide. This has given new heart to supporters in other states who have been lobbying for years for the “right-to-die”.
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (in Victoria) is currently advertising for "VAD Care Navigators" calling for "Clinical Nurse Consultants Grade 6 or Grade 4 Allied Health Professionals or Grade 4 Psychologists" to fill a new State-wide role in facilitating the assisted suicide or euthanasia of people across Victoria by matching those seeking to end their lives with willing doctors. (NB As of 1/2/19 Careers.Vic (the official Victorian Government search portal for public sector jobs) website states: The job you tried to access has closed for applications and is no longer being advertised.
On being a prolife Member of Parliament
By Dr Rachel Carling-Jenkins
I had the privilege of spending four years in state parliament defending the vulnerable by standing up for the human right to life from conception to natural death. This ended abruptly at the last election when I was unable to retain my seat after the party I was a part of decided against running a full state campaign.
Courageous Post-Abortion NZ Women
On 9 November 2018, New Zealand’s leading newspaper “The Dominion Post” published a one page advertisement which had been placed by Family First NZ, about eight courageous New Zealand mothers – all of whom had suffered from the aftermath of their abortions.
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